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Find Healing & Happiness

With MyZing Holistic Counselling 

Our specialised approach addresses attachment trauma to help you heal from past wounds, find inner peace, and build healthy, flourishing relationships.
Start your journey to emotional well-being today.

A person's arm is shown making a hand shape like half a love heart on a circular mirror, so the reflection shows the other half with a full love heart made from the hand and reflection, symbolising love, balance and empowerment for yourself. Wallpaper is pink, and the floor is green. Their skin is dark or tanned.

Heal your Attachment Wounds and Find Emotional Freedom 

MyZing Holistic Counselling provides a safe and supportive environment for you to explore and heal the wounds of attachment trauma. Nicole, our experienced counsellor will guide you on a journey towards emotional freedom and healthier relationships. Start your healing process today.

A person with long brown hair and wearing a light coloured hoodie sits on a concrete and wooden park bench. They're looking at the lake and natural scenery of green grass, growing bushes and shruvs, and large trees. This image symbolises growth, reflection and enjoying life in the beautiful lush areas of North Lakes, Brisbane, Queensland where MyZing Holistic Counselling is located.

Experience the Relationship you've Always Wanted

Don't let attachment trauma hold you back from the fulfilling relationships you deserve. MyZing Holistic Counselling can help you heal and create positive, healthy connections that fulfill your needs and desires. Start your journey towards better relationships today.

Two people in the bottom right hand corner have their backs to us, the man on the left has short hair, striped shirt. The woman on the right has short dark hair and a top or dress. They are outside in a field - the background is slightly blurred and the imaged has a warm fuzzy filter. This image goes along with mental and emotional wellbeing, and shows strength and connection in relationships is possible.

Unlock your True Potential and Embrace your Authentic Self. 

Break free from the limitations of attachment trauma and develop a strong sense of self. MyZing Holistic Counselling empowers you to overcome past wounds, build self-confidence, and fully embrace your authentic self.
Start your journey towards personal growth and fulfillment today.

Find Healing and Reclaim your Power 

Overcoming attachment trauma is a journey towards healing and reclaiming your power. With MyZing Holistic Counselling, you can rebuild resilience and internal strength, enabling you to regulate your emotions and effectively manage stressful situations. Take the first step towards a happier, healthier you today.

Discover the Power Within,
Build Resilience & Thrive



I saw Nicole for Emotional Trauma and long term relationship issues. I found Nicole to be very professional, prompt and used techniques to treat the root cause. I've not experienced this from other Psychological services that just tried to deal with the symptoms using meditation and relaxation techniques. I have had a complete transformation from hopelessness in depression to my current best-ever self as part of the journey Nicole kicked off for me. I have found the most loving partner I could possibly ask for and I never thought I could be as happy, successful or lucky as I am now.


knew that I needed some help to make changes in how I handle different situations in my life, to manage my anxiety and to be able to live my best life. I have found Nicole to be knowledgeable, compassionate & understanding. I feel comfortable talking to Nicole especially those tough emotional discussions that enact change.


I have a greater understanding of my feeling & why I have them. Exercises have given me greater confidence & clarity. Last session was mind blowing - I cleared so much I didn't even know was there and now I can move more freely. My whole mind, body and soul feel lighter.

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