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Doing "The Work"

Private 1:1 Session - In person or via Zoom

To "do the work" means to actively engage in the process of self-reflection, self-discovery, and personal growth.


It involves a commitment to exploring one's thoughts, emotions, and behaviours in order to gain insight and make positive changes. Actively participating in various therapeutic techniques, exercises and discussions to explore and resolve emotional, psychological and behavioural issues.


To do the work you need a willingness to be open and vulnerable. To share honestly what you are thinking and feeling and be prepared to take responsibility and ownership of your personal evolution. This will allow you to understand yourself on a much deeper level, identify patterns that are no longer serving you, recognise your triggers and develop healthier coping mechanisms.


Being committed to the therapeutic process and willing to put in the effort required for you to achieve the results you are seeking means you are prepared to do any homework tasks set by the therapist and do your best to implement solutions to your challenges in your day-to-day life.


Doing "The Work" with MyZing Holistic Counselling means you get access to all modalities, methodologies and techniques used to help you achieve your personal evolution goals. As where other services within MyZing are limited to only 1 or 2 particular processes.


MyZing will take you through the journey of healing from your attachment trauma so you can enjoy the benefits of a true sense of self-worth and move forward in life with confidence, restored internal strength to handle life’s challenges with ease and help you be able to relish in meaningful and fulfilling relationships with those you care about.


This sets the foundation for creating a life for yourself where you get experience the peace that come from living from your heart and developing a joyous and purposeful existence.


The benefits you can gain personally from doing the work with MyZing Holistic Counselling are:


  • Overcome the Emotional affects that Attachment Trauma and Injuries have on you and on your relationships with others.


  • Learn how to effectively communicate your feelings, thoughts and your “No” without jeopardising the relationship.


  • Strengthen the quality of the relationship you hold with yourself, those around you and with life in general.


  • Get to the core roots of your anxiety and depression and heal from there.


  • Restore your internal strength and rebuild your resilience to manage stress and challenging situations with much more ease.


  • Mental and Emotional Wellbeing 101 – Be educated on what you need to know about your mental and emotional well-being so you know how to manage it moving forward.

This work has the potential to positively change your relationship with yourself, those around you and life



I was so thrilled to have Nicole hosting a workshop at my woman's retreat recently. She cultivated a safe and warm space where participants could explore how circumstances early in their lives affect how they show up in the hear and now. Honestly, this session blew my mind. It gave me answers that I didn't know I needed and has created a much greater level of self awareness for me. Nicole held the space so beautifully for us all and is so nurturing and calm. I HIGHLY recommend her for workshops or one to one work.


Nicole is lovely, very supportive and understanding. Since doing the work with Nicole I have more insight and understanding about myself. It has helped me to nicer towards myself and love myself for who I am faults and all. I also have less anxiety which is such a relief.


I love my sessions. Sometimes I walk in feeling like I have nothing to discuss and yet always walk out feeling so much better and equipped for the world.

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