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Disclosure of Service Guidelines and Privacy Policy


Information published on is for personal use only. Information on this site is not intended to be comprehensive or intended for the purpose of any diagnosis, therapy, or provided as an alternative to obtaining counseling, psychological or medical advice from a qualified practitioner.

​This site at times may provide links to other company websites and resources like information and convenience to you. We are not responsible for the accuracy, quality, or suitability of any linked websites.


​We accept no responsibility permitted by law for misuse of information presented on this website by any individual, for the purpose of claims, compensation, litigation, damages, or personal problems.

The use of any and all corporate logos and links on this site in no way is intended to imply that we endorse or represent these Institutions.


We use “cookies” to collect information about you and your activity across our site between our website and your computer. A cookie is a small piece of data that our website stores on your computer, and accesses each time you visit so we can understand how you use our site and serve you content based on preferences you have specified.


If you do not wish to accept cookies from us, you should instruct your browser to refuse cookies from our website, with the understanding that we may be unable to provide you with some of your desired services without them.

Collection and Use of Information Online

From time to time we may receive and store the personal information you enter onto our website, provided to us directly, or given to us in other forms.    You may provide basic information such as your name, phone number, address, and email address to enable us to send information, provide updates and process your product or service order. We may collect additional information at other times, including but not limited to, when you provide feedback when you provide information about your personal or business affairs, change your content or email preference, respond to surveys and/or promotions, provide financial or credit card information, or communicate with our customer support.

MyZing collects personal information from you in a variety of ways, including when you interact with us electronically or in person when you access our website, and when we provide our services to you. We may receive personal information from third parties. If we do, we will protect it as set out in this Privacy Act.

We may use personal information collected from you to provide you with information, updates, and our services. We may also make you aware of new and additional products, services, and opportunities available to you. We may use your personal information to improve our products and services and better understand your needs.


Online Security

We take security seriously and do what we can within commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information from loss or theft, as well as unauthorised access, disclosure, copying, use, or modification. That said, we are limited and advise that no method of electronic transmission or storage is 100% secure, and cannot guarantee the absolute security of your data.



Accuracy of Resources

Resources provided on our websites could include technical, typographical, or photographic errors.  MyZing does not warrant that any of the materials on its website are accurate, complete, or current. Although we may change information contained in the resources we supply at any time without notice.


Your Privacy

We are required by law, as detailed in the Privacy Act 1988 (updated June 2021), to comply with a strict code of conduct to maintain the privacy of all personal information on record. We are bound by the  Australian Privacy Policies (APPs). Our privacy policies comply with the privacy principles set out in the Privacy Act and explain how we apply them in practice.

We follow a strict code of ethics and practices as detailed by the Australian Counselling Association.   Codes of Conduct are laid out in relation to services as provided by self-regulating health professions including counseling.

Service Guidelines
Collection and Use of Your Personal Information


Your information may be collected directly from individual application forms, workshop registrations, newsletter subscriptions, correspondence, phone calls, and e-mails.

The types of personal information we may collect about you include: 

  • your name;

  • your contact details, including email address and/or telephone number;

  • credit card details

Record Keeping

Conscious recording of current client personal information, needs, support, and interventions is part of the practitioner’s duty of care to the client. We collect, hold, use, and disclose records and personal information for the following purposes: 

  • Keeping of client history and current status

  • Professional Associations, Regulation bodies, and Insurance Companies require accurate and appropriate recording keeping

  • To support and ensure quality service delivery and Continuity of Care for our Clients

  • To assist in making appropriate referrals to other Health Professionals

  • To contact and communicate with you including for Marketing Purposes


In addition to these reasons, Practitioners keep well-documented records to help protect themselves for Legal and Ethical Reasons and other Insurance purposes.

Disclosure of Information


Client information should only be used for other purposes, including research, where the client’s informed consent has been obtained. 

It is also your right to know what kind of records are being kept and at times you may wish to access your records.  The request for access to personal information must be made in writing and the request will be processed in accordance with the Privacy Act.   In the event you wish to access your records you can do so in writing by sending an email to


Individuals are also entitled to change incorrect or out-of-date information.


Storage and Confidentiality of Client Records


Client records are securely stored at all times to ensure confidentiality.  The entire process of collection, storage, transfer, and use of personal information will be undertaken in a secure manner such that it fully protects all personal and sensitive information.


On the cessation of services with MyZing, the personal information will be held securely for as long as it is prudent and disposed of appropriately in accordance with the Privacy Act.

At times it may be necessary for practitioners to disclose part of their client records to a supervisor or other parties.   Informed Consent will be obtained in cases where personal information is required to be disclosed.  In some circumstances, personal information will be removed and records de-identified to protect client confidentiality.

It may be necessary for practitioners to disclose client records or information about a client, to third parties where there is a direct and imminent threat to the safety or health of the client or of another person. For example, a practitioner may be required to provide information to protect the client from suicide or self-harm, assist in the care or treatment of the client, or prevent harm to another person.

Confidentiality agreements continue after a client’s death unless legal or ethical considerations demand otherwise.


Feedback and Complaints Process


Your feedback is important to us.  Whether it is regarding our website or the services we offer, feedback helps us provide you with great service and make improvements when necessary.  If you have a suggestion, wish to give feedback, or a complaint, we would like to know.


Clients are encouraged to take up the issue in the first instance with their counselor. 


Clients may make a complaint verbally, in written form electronically through email. 



Failing a satisfactory resolution for your complaint you can request details of external organisations who will be able to hear your complaint.   This may include but is not limited to:

  • Mentoring and Education Bodies

  • Professional Associations

  • Commonwealth Ombudsman and other overarching Government Organisations


Modifications and Revision


We may revise these terms of service for our websites and Counselling Services at any time without notice. By using this website you are agreeing to be bound by the then current version of these terms of service.

Updates: August 2021

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